Design and performance analysis of a dual channel RF MEMS switch with separate bias voltage and signal paths for aerospace applications
Tóm tắt
RF MEMS switch is a micromechanical device fabricated using semiconductor technology that has numerous outstanding advantages such as low power consumption, small volume, high integration, and so on. One of the key features to be considered on the design of RF MEMS switches is the isolation of the DC bias and the RF signal being transmitted. It is attempted by the introduction of an insulator layer in between the actuation beam and the signal line. Silicon Nitride (Si3N4) is used as the material for insulation. This study involves the employment of a varying section fixed–fixed beam which helps in reduction of the spring constant as well as the pull-in voltage. An analytical model for the proposed device is developed and analyzed using MEMS design tools which are of industrial standard. The analysis shows that pull-in voltage can be decreased by 18% when compared to its similar counterparts. Additionally, this method gives the designer more opportunity to create switches with improved stiction immunity that require lower pull-in voltage. Therefore, the RF switch structure proposed in this work remains free from dielectric charging. Thus in this new switch, the pull-in voltage is considerably reduced still maintaining RF-DC isolation.
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