Derived Equivalence Relations of Geometry Skills in Students with Autism: an Application of the PEAK-E Curriculum

The Analysis of Verbal Behavior - Tập 32 - Trang 38-45 - 2016
Mark R. Dixon1, Jordan Belisle1, Caleb R. Stanley1, Jacob H. Daar1, Leigh Anne Williams1
1Behavior Analysis and Therapy Program, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA

Tóm tắt

The present study evaluated the efficacy of equivalence-based instruction (EBI) as described in the PEAK-E curriculum (Dixon, 2015) for promoting the emergence of derived geometry skills in two children with high-functioning autism. The results suggested that direct training of shape name (A) to shape property (B) (i.e., A-B relations) was effective for both participants. Following A-B training, both participants demonstrated emergent relations that are consistent with symmetry (B-A), as well as emergent shape name (A) to shape picture (C) relations that are consistent with transitivity (A-C). The results expand on existing literature by demonstrating the emergence of an A-C relation when neither A nor B stimuli were ever trained to C stimuli and illustrate the efficacy of EBI for training geometry skills.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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