Deep learning-based classification of production defects in automated-fiber-placement processes
Tóm tắt
This paper presents a deep learning-based approach for the detection and classification of production defects that complements an existing thermographic online monitoring system for Automated-Fiber-Placement (AFP) processes. The detection and classification procedure is performed in two stages. In the first stage, the system monitors each tow individually and classifies its process status. Furthermore, it detects and classifies production defects that affect individual tows such as a tow-twist. In the second stage, the system monitors the total width of the faultless tows. In this stage, production defects effecting multiple tows, for example gaps or overlaps, are detected and classified. Twelve different deep convolution neural networks (CNN) with three various architectures are learned supervised relating to different data sets. The performance of both identification stages is explored separately before the entire system will be set up. Therefore, the thermal images of the data sets are superimposed by noise to test the performance of the selected CNN.
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