Dedication: Clifford W. Welsch
Tài liệu tham khảo
C. W. Welschet al. (1969). Effects of hypothalamic and amygdaloid lesions on development and growth of carcinogen induced mammary tumors in the female rat.Cancer Res. 291541.
C. W. Welsch (1971). Growth inhibition of rat mammary carcinoma by cis-platinum diamminodichloride-II.J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 471071.
C. W. Welsch and C. Gribler (1973). Prophylaxis of spontaneously developing mammary carcinoma in C3H/HeJ female mice by suppression of prolactin.Cancer Res. 332939.
C. W. Welsch and H. Nagasawa (1977). Prolactin and mammary tumorigenesis.Cancer Res. 37951.
M. J. McManuset al. (1978). Successful transplantation of human benign breast tumors into the athymic nude mouse and demonstration of enhanced DNA synthesis by human placental lactogen.Cancer Res. 382343.
C. W. Welsch and C. F. Aylsworth (1983). Enhancement of murine mammary tumorigenesis by feeding high levels of dietary fat: A hormonal mechanism?J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 70215.
C. W. Welsch (1985). Host factors affecting the growth of carcinogen-induced rat mammary carcinomas: A review and tribute to Charles Brenton Huggins.Cancer Res. 453415.
C. W. Welsch (1992). Relationship between dietary fat and experimental mammary tumorigenesis: A review and critique.Cancer Res. 52:2040s.
Y.-F. Zhaiet al. (1993). Increased expression of specific protein tyrosine phosphatases in human breast epithelial cells neoplastically transformed by theneu oncogene.Cancer Res. 532272.
C. W. Welsch (1995). Review of the effects of dietary fat on experimental mammary gland tumorigenesis: Role of lipid peroxidation.Free Radical Biol. Med. 18757.