Decentralization and centralization

Emerald - Tập 32 Số 5/6 - Trang 286-298 - 2012
RenateMinas1, SharonWright2, Rikvan Berkel3
1Institute for Future Studies, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
2School of Applied Social Science, University of Stirling, Stirling, UK
3School of Governance, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands

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The purpose of this article is to examine the governance of activation in relation to the decentralization and centralization of activation for social assistance recipients in Sweden, The Netherlands and the UK.


This paper outlines broad trends in the governance of activation policies in Europe, focusing on processes of decentralization and centralization in Sweden (characterized by a context of shifting national and local level governance of policies, cultivated within a strong tradition of active labour market policies); The Netherlands (where there has been a deliberate shift in governance towards the local level); and the UK (typified by highly centralized decision making in policy design but local variation in delivery).


The comparison identified different paths of decentralization and examines how these processes interact and overlap with modes of centralization/coordination of policies. Finally, the paper demonstrates the interface between the modes of decentralization and centralization.


The investigation of vertical changes in the governance of activation in three country case studies provides an original in‐depth analysis of types and paths of decentralization and centralization.

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