Data-driven assessment of cardiovascular ageing through multisite photoplethysmography and electrocardiography

Medical Engineering & Physics - Tập 73 - Trang 39-50 - 2019
Antonio M. Chiarelli1, Francesco Bianco1,2, David Perpetuini1, Valentina Bucciarelli1,2, Chiara Filippini1, Daniela Cardone1, Filippo Zappasodi1, Sabina Gallina1,2, Arcangelo Merla1
1Department of Neuroscience and Imaging, Institute for Advanced Biomedical Technologies, University G. D'Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara, Via Luigi Polacchi 13, Chieti 66100, Italy
2Institute of Cardiology, University G. D’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara, Via Dei Vestini 5, 66100, Chieti, Italy

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