Data-Centric Transformations for Locality Enhancement

Induprakas Kodukula1, Keshav Pingali1
1Department of Computer Science, Cornell University, Ithaca

Tóm tắt

On modern computers, the performance of programs is often limited by memory latency rather than by processor cycle time. To reduce the impact of memory latency, the restructuring compiler community has developed locality-enhancing program transformations such as loop permutation and tiling. These transformations work well for perfectly nested loops (loops in which all assignment statements are contained in the innermost loop), but their performance on codes such as matrix factorizations that contain imperfectly nested loops leaves much to be desired. In this paper, we propose an alternative approach called data-centric transformation. Instead of reasoning directly about the control structure of the program, a compiler using the data-centric approach chooses an order for the arrival of data elements in the cache, determines what computations should be performed when that data arrives, and generates the appropriate code. At runtime, program execution will automatically pull data into the cache in an order that corresponds approximately to the order chosen by the compiler; since statements that touch a data structure element are scheduled close together, locality is improved. The idea of data-centric transformation is very general, and in this paper, we discuss a particular transformation called data-shackling. We have implemented shackling in the SGI MIPSPro compiler which already has a sophisticated implementation of control-centric transformations for locality enhancement. We present experimental results on the SGI Octane comparing the performance of the two approaches, and show that for dense numerical linear algebra codes, data-shackling does better by factors of two to five.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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