Data Aggregation Point Placement Problem in Neighborhood Area Networks of Smart Grid
Tóm tắt
A smart meter neighborhood area network is usually regarded as the last mile network, which plays a significant role for communications in smart grid. A neighborhood area network typically consists of smart meters and Data Aggregation Points (DAPs), which collect energy consumption or billing information from smart meters and forward the information to wide area network gateways via wireless communications. The location of DAPs significantly affects the distance and associated transmission routes between DAPs and smart meters. In this paper, we investigate the DAP placement problem and propose solutions to reduce the distance between DAPs and smart meters. Specifically, the DAP placement problem is formulated with two objectives, e.g., the average distance minimization and the maximum distance minimization. The concept of network partition is introduced in this paper and two associated algorithms are developed to address the DAP placement problem. Extensive simulations are conducted based on a real suburban neighborhood topology. The simulation results verify that the proposed solutions are able to remarkably reduce the communication distance between DAPs and their associated smart meters.
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