Currently available methods of industrial nanodiamond synthesis
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L. N. Akimova, S. A. Gubin, V. V. Odintsov, and V. I. Pepekin, in Proceedings of V All-Union Workshop on Detonation (Krasnoyarsk, 1991), Vol. 1, p. 14.
S. A. Gubin, V. V. Odintsov, and V. I. Pepekin, Khim. Fiz. 5(1), 111 (1986).
A. L. Vereshchagin, E. A. Petrov, G. V. Sakovich, et al., U.S. Patent No. 591,655 (29 June 1999).
V. Yu. Dolmatov and T. Fujimura, Sverkhtverd. Mater., No. 6, 34 (2001).
T. M. Gubarevich, V. Yu. Dolmatov, Yu. V. Kulagina, and L. I. Poleva, Zh. Prikl. Khim. (St. Petersburg) 66(8), 1882 (1993).
V. Yu. Dolmatov, Ultrafine-Dispersed Diamonds of Detonation Synthesis: Production, Properties, Application (SPbGPU, St. Petersburg, 2003).
V. Yu. Dolmatov, V. G. Sushchev, V. A. Marchukov, et al., RF Patent No. 2,109,683, Byull. Izobret., No. 12 (1998).
A. E. Aleksenskii, M. V. Baidakova, A. Ya. Vul’, and V. I. Siklitskii, Fiz. Tverd. Tela (St. Petersburg) 41(4), 740 (1999) [Phys. Solid State 41, 668 (1999)].
V. Yu. Dolmatov, V. G. Sushchev, and E. N. Vishnevskii, USSR Inventor’s Certificate No. 1,828,067 (25 March 1986).
T. M. Gubarevich, R. R. Sataev, and V. Yu. Dolmatov, in Proceedings of V All-Union Workshop on Detonation (Krasnoyarsk, 1991), Vol. 1, p. 135.