Cross-lagged relationships between person-based resources, self-perceptions, and career and life satisfaction in young adults

Jessica M. Haratsis1, Peter A. Creed1, Michelle Hood1
1School of Applied Psychology and Menzies Health Institute Queensland, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia

Tóm tắt

We tested the across-time relationships between the person-based resources of assimilation (or goal pursuit) and accommodation (or goal adjustment) and two well-being outcomes (satisfaction with career progress and life satisfaction), and assessed if these relationships were mediated by self-perceptions (perceived goal attainability and optimism). Participants were 204 young adults (79 % female; M age 26 years), who were surveyed twice, 6 months apart. Consistent with the dual-process framework for goal management, assimilation was associated with more positive self-perceptions (attainability and optimism) and higher subsequent satisfaction with career progress and life satisfaction. Perceived goal attainability mediated between assimilation and the two satisfaction outcomes. Accommodation was associated with higher subsequent life satisfaction only. Thus, both assimilation and accommodation were related to better life satisfaction in young adults, but assimilation was more adaptive in the career domain.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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