Critical assessment and thermodynamic calculation of the ternary system C-Hf-Zr (Carbon-Zirconium-Hafnium)

H. Bittermann1, P. Rogl1
1Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria

Tóm tắt

Based on an assessment of the available experimental thermochemical and phase diagram information available, the phase equilibria of the C-Hf-Zr system were calculated. The G of the individual phases was described with thermodynamic models. The liquid phase was described as a substitutional solution using the Redlich-Kister formalism for excess G. Graphite was treated as a stoichiometric phase. The solid solutions of carbon in α(Hf,Zr) and β(Hf,Zr), as well as the non-stoichiometric phase (Hf,Zr)C1−x, were represented as interstitial solid solutions using the compound energy model with two sublattices. The parameters in the models were determined by computerized optimization using selected experimental data. A detailed comparison was made between calculation and experimental data.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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