Credit scoring with a data mining approach based on support vector machines

Expert Systems with Applications - Tập 33 Số 4 - Trang 847-856 - 2007
Cheng-Lung Huang1, Mu-Chen Chen2, Chieh-Jen Wang3
1National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, Department of Information Management, 2, Juoyue Road, Nantz District, Kaohsiung 811, Taiwan
2Institute of Traffic and Transportation, National Chiao Tung University 4F, No. 118, Section 1, Chung Hsiao W. Road, Taipei 10012, Taiwan, ROC#TAB#
3Department of Information Management, Huafan University, 1, Huafan Rd., Shihtin Hsiang, Taipei Hsien 223, Taiwan, ROC

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