Creatinine kinetics in the rabbit

Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics - Tập 7 - Trang 291-301 - 2015
Mehdi Boroujerdi1, Albert M. Mattocks1
1School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Tóm tắt

To evaluate the kinetics of creatinine in the rabbit, two radiotagged creatinine forms were used, with14C in the amidino group or with it in the carboxyl group. Five animals were injected intravenously with tracer amounts, and plasma samples were taken for 250–300 min; urine and feces samples were taken over longer periods. A chromatographic method was used to separate unchanged creatinine from other components of the samples prior to measurement for chemical and radioactivity content. Equations for the proposed flow model were derived and fitted to specific activity data, and values for transfer constants, production rates, and pool sizes were calculated. Evidence supported the concept that a two-compartment model is required and that production occurs in the peripheral compartment. Evidence also indicated that muscle represents a major part of the peripheral compartment. Small amounts of metabolites, chiefly guanido compounds, were detected when amidino-labeled creatinine was used. Also, small amounts of unchanged creatinine and metabolites were found in the feces.

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