Cosmological tests based on the abundance of galaxy clusters
Tóm tắt
We present a new normalization for the linear density-perturbation spectrum in a multi-parameter model of the Universe. Using the differential mass function for the nearly galaxy clusters obtained from optical data, we have constructed a functional relation between the dispersion of the density contrast σ
8 on the scale 8h
−1 Mpc and the cosmological parameters Ω
, ΩΛ, h, n, f
for each of three theoretical approximations of the mass function: Press-Schechter, Sheth-Tormen and Jenkins. An extended class of models of the Universe with general spatial curvature include four parameters for the matter components: baryons (Ω
), “cold” dark matter (Ω
), “hot” dark matter (Ω
), and the vacuum energy (ΩΛ). It is shown that the most accurate normalization of the power spectrum is achieved with the Sheth-Tormen approximation.
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