Cosmological Simulations and Data Exploration: a Testcase on the Usage of Grid Infrastructure
Tóm tắt
While new infrastructures for large computational challenges begin to be widely accessible to researchers, computational codes need to be re-designed to exploit new facilities. The Grid and the cloud computing concepts are changing the computational resource distribution and availability, and much effort start to be made to develop new codes for a better exploitation of new resources. This paper presents an example of the use of Grid resources, based on gLite middleware, to run cosmological simulations, that, up to now, are normally executed on Supercomputers. We have also used the Grid to explore and visualize the dataset. We discuss non particular the performance of FLY a parallel code implementing the octal-tree algorithm introduced by J. Barnes and P. Hut to compute the gravitational field efficiently. It simulates the evolution of the collisionless component of the material content of our Universe. FLY was originally developed to run on mainframe systems using the one-side communication paradigm, but we are now presenting a modified version of the computational algorithm to exploit the Grid environment. We also integrated the data exploration and visualization process on the Grid, to obtain preliminary results using the distributed facilities.
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The VOTECH Project: Virtual Observatory Technology.
The Cometa Consortium:
Distributed European Infrastructure for Supercomputing Applications:
OpenMP: an API for multi-platform shared-memory parallel programming.
The Mandelbrot Set:
Message Passing Interface:
The PI2S2 Project:
Testing MPI Support:
VisIVO Server Web Site: