Corrosion of 9Cr Steel in CO2 at Intermediate Temperature I: Mechanism of Void-Induced Duplex Oxide Formation
Tóm tắt
Under CO2 exposure at an intermediate temperature, typically 550 °C, 9Cr–1Mo steel forms a duplex oxide scale made of an outer magnetite layer and an almost-as-thick inner Fe–Cr rich spinel oxide layer. It is proposed that the inner Fe–Cr spinel layer grows according to a mechanism involving void formation at the oxide/metal interface. The driving force for pore formation is the outward magnetite growth: iron vacancies are injected at the oxide/metal interface then condense into voids. The fresh metallic surface made available is then oxidized by CO2, which diffuses fast through the scale. The physical aspects, the integrity and the nature of the scale are shown to be very dependent on the oxygen potential existing in the environment.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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