Correlated spontaneous emission on the Volga
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In most cases N is large enough that ΓN ≫ γ and the line width is given by ≈αNg 2 R/c. However, the more correct form given by Eqs. (2), (3) is instructive as it shows the line width is lower bounded by γ. The author wishes to thank A. Svidzinsky and M.S. Zubairy for useful discussions on this point.
G. Agarwal, “Quantum Statistical Theories of Spontaneous Emission,” in Springer Tracts in Modern Physics (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1976), Vol. 70.
A. Svidzinsky, M. Scully, and R. Glauber, “Cooperative Spontaneous Emission as a Many Body Eigenstable Problem,” to be published.
A. Svidzinsky and M. Scully, to be published. See also A. Gorshkov, A. André, M. Fleishauer, A. Sorensen, and M. Lukin, to be published.