Core@shell nanomaterials based sensing devices: A review

TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry - Tập 115 - Trang 147-161 - 2019
Pramod K. Kalambate1, Dhanjai Dhanjai2, Zhimei Huang1, Yankai Li1, Yue Shen1, Meilan Xie1, Yunhui Huang1, Ashwini K. Srivastava3
1State Key Laboratory of Materials Processing and Die & Mould Technology, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, 430074, PR China
2Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Concordia University of Edmonton, Alberta, T5B 4E4, Canada
3Department of Chemistry, University of Mumbai, Vidyanagari, Santacruz (East), Mumbai 400098, India

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