Confronting Caribbean heritage in an archipelago of diversity: Politics, stakeholders, climate change, natural disasters, tourism, and development

Journal of Field Archaeology - Tập 38 Số 4 - Trang 376-390 - 2013
Peter E. Siegel1, Corinne L. Hofman2, Benoît Bérard3, Reg Murphy4, Jorge Ulloa Hung5, Roberto Valcárcel Rojas6, Cheryl White7
1Montclair State UniversityMontclair, New Jersey
2Universiteit Leiden, Leiden#TAB#
3Archéologie Industrielle, Histoire, Patrimoine- Géographie, Développement, Environnement de la Caraïbe [EA 929]
4Heritage Resources National ParksAntigua
5Museo del Hombre DominicanoSanto Domingo, Dominican Republic
6Ministerio de Ciencias, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente, Holguín, Cuba
7Chercheur indépendant

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Tài liệu tham khảo


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