Cone-Beam Computed Tomography in Endodontics—State of the Art

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Jardel Francisco Mazzi‐Chaves1, Rafael Verardino de Camargo1, Aline Ferreira Borges2, Ricardo Gariba Silva1, Ruben Pauwels3, Yara Teresinha Corrêa Silva-Sousa2, Manoel Damião Sousa-Neto1
1Department of Restorative Dentistry, School of Dentistry of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo, Rua Célia de Oliveira Meirelles 350, Ribeirão Preto, SP, 14024-070, Brazil
2School of Dentistry, University of Ribeirão Preto, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
3Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS), Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark

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•• Camargo RV, Mazzi-Chaves JF, Leoni GB, Vasconcelos KF, Lamira A, Jacobs R, et al. Quantitative assessment of 2-dimensional parameters in tomographic images by using different segmentation methods. J Endod. 2020;46(5):694–9 This study showed that the assessment of area, perimeter, roundness, and major and minor diameters of root canals using CBCT devices should be done carefully because these parameters had significant findings regarding overestimation and underestimation.

•• Mazzi-Chaves JF, de Faria Vasconcelos K, Pauwels R, Jacobs R, Sousa-Neto MD. Cone-beam computed tomographic-based assessment of filled C-shaped Canals: artifact expression of cone-beam computed tomography as opposed to micro-computed tomography and nano-computed tomography. J Endod. 2020;46(11):1702–11 This study demonstrate that CBCT images has been used as a diagnostic imaging modality in the Endodontics field. However, the use of high-density materials such as root canal filling materials leads to the expression of artifacts that can interfere with image quality.

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