Conducting the initiation of protein synthesis: the role of eIF4G

Biology of the Cell - Tập 95 Số 3-4 - Trang 141-156 - 2003
D Prévot1, Jean‐Luc Darlix1, Théophile Ohlmann1
1LaboRetro, Inserm U 412, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, 46, Allée d'Italie, 69364 Lyon cedex 7, France.

Tóm tắt

AbstractThe eukaryotic initiation factor eIF4G is a large modular protein which serves as a docking site for initiation factors and proteins involved in RNA translation. Together with eIF4E and eIF4A, eIF4G constitutes the eIF4F complex which is a key component in promoting ribosome binding to the mRNA. Thus, the central role of eIF4G in initiation makes it a valid target for events aimed at modulating translation. Such events occur during viral infection by picornaviruses and lentiviruses and result in the hijack of the translational machinery through cleavage of eIF4G. Proteolysis of eIF4G is also mediated by caspases during the onset of apoptosis causing inhibition of protein synthesis. We will review the role of eIF4G and protein partners as well as the cellular and viral events that modulate eIF4G activity in the initiation of translation.

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