Complex replacement patterns in garnets from Bergen Arcs eclogites: A combined EBSD and analytical TEM study

Geochemistry - Tập 68 - Trang 177-191 - 2008
Kilian Pollok1,2, Geoffrey E. Lloyd3, Håkon Austrheim4, Andrew Putnis2
1Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Jena, Burgweg 11, D-07749 Jena, Germany
2Institut für Mineralogie, Universität Münster, Corrensstr. 24, D-48149 Münster, Germany
3School of Earth and Environment, The University, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK
4Physics of Geological Processes and Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oslo, Post box 1047, N-0316 Oslo, Norway

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