Comparison of Modified Mohr–Coulomb Model and Bai–Wierzbicki Model for Constructing 3D Ductile Fracture Envelope of AA6063
Tóm tắt
Ductile fracture of metal often occurs in the plastic forming process of parts. The establishment of ductile fracture criterion can effectively guide the selection of process parameters and avoid ductile fracture of parts during machining. The 3D ductile fracture envelope of AA6063-T6 was developed to predict and prevent its fracture. Smooth round bar tension tests were performed to characterize the flow stress, and a series of experiments were conducted to characterize the ductile fracture firstly, such as notched round bar tension tests, compression tests and torsion tests. These tests cover a wide range of stress triaxiality (ST) and Lode parameter (LP) to calibrate the ductile fracture criterion. Plasticity modeling was performed, and the predicted results were compared with corresponding experimental data to verify the plasticity model after these experiments. Then the relationship between ductile fracture strain and ST with LP was constructed using the modified Mohr–Coulomb (MMC) model and Bai-Wierzbicki (BW) model to develop the 3D ductile fracture envelope. Finally, two ductile damage models were proposed based on the 3D fracture envelope of AA6063. Through the comparison of the two models, it was found that BW model had better fitting effect, and the sum of squares of residual error of BW model was 0.9901. The two models had relatively large errors in predicting the fracture strain of SRB tensile test and torsion test, but both of the predicting error of both two models were within the acceptable range of 15%. In the process of finite element simulation, the evolution process of ductile fracture can be well simulated by the two models. However, BW model can predict the location of fracture more accurately than MMC model.
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