Comparative study of natural calcium stilbite and magnesium exchanged stilbite for ethanol sensing
Tóm tắt
Natural stilbite (Ca-stilbite) zeolites have been collected from the queries near Pashan area, Pune, Maharashtra, India. The calcium ions in the Ca-stilbite structure are partially exchanged by magnesium ions using ion exchange process. The Ca-stilbite and Mg- stilbite samples are characterized by XRD, EDS, FTIR and TG/DTA techniques and are used as the functional materials for the preparation of thick films using screen printing technique. The screen printed films, deposited on glass substrates, are then sintered at 650 °C for proper adhesion to take place. These thick films are used as sensors to test ethanol. The XRD profiles and FTIR spectra reveal that the sensor material is a stilbite zeolite. EDS data shows that the magnesium ions are exchanged in the stilbite structure. TG/DTA study shows the thermal behavior of the samples wherein the structural breakdown occurs at 520 °C and weight loss due to desorption of water molecules can be revealed by exo & endo peaks. Ethanol sensing studies show that both the Ca-stilbite and Mg-stilbite films are sensitive to ethanol. In case of Mg-stilbite films, the operating temperature and ethanol response are found to be dependent on magnesium concentration. Lower the magnesium concentration lower is the operating temperature and higher is the ethanol sensitivity. Mg-stilbite films with specific concentration (0.05 M) shows the consistent ethanol sensing performance in comparison to Ca-stilbite film wherein response to ethanol decreases after repetitive use. The study reveals that Mg-stilbite thick film (0.05 M) is stable ethanol sensor which can be operated at 65 °C with reproducible characteristics.
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