Community-Based Approach to Assess Obstructive Respiratory Diseases and Risk in Urban African American Churches

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 25 - Trang 389-397 - 2022
Lorriane A. Odhiambo1, Ezinne Anaba2, Peggy C. Stephens3, Vinay K. Cheruvu3, Melissa D. Zullo3
1Institute of Public and Preventive Health, Augusta University, Augusta, USA
2Palliative Care, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, Cleveland, USA
3College of Public Health, Kent State University, Kent, USA

Tóm tắt

Asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are significant health problems that have disparate effects on many Americans. Misdiagnosis and underdiagnosis are common and lead to ineffective treatment and management. This study assessed the feasibility of applying a two-step case-finding technique to identify both COPD and adult asthma cases in urban African American churches. We established a community-based partnership, administered a cross-sectional survey in step one of the case-finding technique and performed spirometry testing in step two. A total of 219 surveys were completed. Provider-diagnosed asthma and COPD were reported in 26% (50/193) and 9.6% (18/187) of the sample. Probable asthma (13.9%), probable COPD (23.1%), and COPD high-risk groups (31.9%) were reported. It is feasible to establish active case-finding within the African American church community using a two-step approach to successfully identify adult asthma and COPD probable cases for early detection and treatment to reduce disparate respiratory health outcomes.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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