Collective action in Localized Agrifood Systems: An analysis by the social networks and the proximities. Study of a Serrano cheese producers' association in the Campos de Cima da Serra/Brazil

Journal of Rural Studies - Tập 72 - Trang 58-74 - 2019
Carine Pachoud1,2, Vanesse Labeyrie2, Etienne Polge3
1Institute of Geography, University Innsbruck, Innrain 52f, 6020, Innsbruck, Austria
2CIRAD, UPR GREEN, Univ Montpellier, CIRAD, F-34398 Montpellie, France
3UMR Territoires, IRSTEA Clermont, Université, Paris‐Saclay, UMR SAD‐APT, INRA – Agroparistech, équipe Proximité, Paris, France