Cloning and development of pathotype-specific SCAR marker associated with Sclerospora graminicola isolates from pearl millet
Tóm tắt
Downy mildew pathogen of pearl millet in India is associated with the spread of the highly virulent Sclerospora graminicola pathotype-1. Twenty-seven S. graminicola isolates were screened using 20 inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR). Dinucleotide repeat primer [17898A-(CA)6 AC] amplified a ∼600 bp fragment specific to five isolates of pathotype-1 (Sg 048, Sg 153, Sg 212, DM-11 and DM-90). The ISSR fragment linked with pathotype-1 was cloned successfully and sequenced. To convert ISSR fragments into pathotype-specific sequence characterised amplified region (SCAR) markers, PCR primers were designed using a sequence of the cloned DNA fragment. PCR amplification using SCAR primer pair (UOM3-Sg-Path1-F/R) amplified a single 284 bp band only in isolates of S. graminicola pathotype-1. This SCARprimer pair did not amplify the 284 bp product from the other five S. graminicola pathotypes or a negative control, which demonstrates primer specificity for pathotype-1. The SCAR primer pair (UOM3-Sg-Path1-F/R) obtained in this study will provide a valuable tool for rapid identification and specific detection of S. graminicola pathotype-1.
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