Clay mineralogy

Earth-Science Reviews - Tập 2 - Trang 47-91 - 1966
R.C. Mackenzie1, B.D. Mitchell1
1The Macaulay Institute for Soil Research, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen Great Britain

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Agricola, 1546, De Natura Fossilium, Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Papers, 63, 240 Agricola, 1556, De Re Metallica, Mining Mag., London, 1912, 638 1963, 194 Albee, 1962, Relationships between the mineral association, chemical composition and physical properties of the chlorite series, Am. Mineralogist, 47, 851 Alexander, 1943, Relationship of the clay minerals halloysite and endellite, Am. Mineralogist, 28, 1 Alietti, 1959, Diffusione e significato dei minerali a strati misti delle serpentine mineralizzate a talco dell'Appennino Parmense, Periodico Mineral. (Rome), 28, 65 Altschuler, 1963, Transformation of montmorillonite to kaolinite during weathering, Science, 141, 148, 10.1126/science.141.3576.148 Anderson, 1965, Crystallization of clay-adsorbed water, Science, 149, 318, 10.1126/science.149.3681.318 1964, Am. Mineralogist, 49, 223 Aomine, 1962, Differential weathering of volcanic ash and pumice, resulting in formation of hydrated halloysite, Am. Mineralogist, 47, 1024 Ayres, 1961, Differential thermal studies with simultaneous gas evolution profiles, Anal. Chem., 33, 568, 10.1021/ac60172a025 Bailey, 1963, Polymorphism of the kaolin minerals, Am. Mineralogist, 48, 1196 Ball, 1963, The dehydration of chrysotile in air and under hydrothermal conditions, Mineral. Mag., 33, 467, 10.1180/minmag.1963.033.261.04 Bannister, 1943, Brammallite (sodium-illite), a new mineral from Llandebie, South Wales, Mineral. Mag., 26, 304, 10.1180/minmag.1943.026.180.04 Barnhisel, 1963, Gibbsite formation from aluminum-interlayers in montmorillonite, 27, 632 Barshad, 1956, Clay minerals in some limestone soils from Israel, Soil Sci., 81, 423, 10.1097/00010694-195606000-00001 Basila, 1964, The nature of the acidic sites in a silica-alumina, 68, 3197 Bates, 1958, Selected electron micrographs of clays and other fine-grained minerals, Penn. State Univ., Mineral Ind. Exp. Sta., Circ., 51, 61 Bates, 1964, Geology and mineralogy of the sedimentary kaolins of the southeastern United States—a review, 12, 177 Bates, 1964, The application of electron microscopy in soil clay mineralogy, 125 Beavers, 1964, X-ray spectrographic analysis of soils, 295 1963, 469 Beneslavskii, 1963, 170 Bentor, 1963, Some unusual minerals from the “Mottled Zone” complex, Israel, Am. Mineralogist, 48, 924 Berg, 1961, 368 Berg, 1955, Termografiya s registratsiei protsessov gazovydeleniya, 108 Berkhin, 1963, Montmorillonit, soderzhashchii primes galluazita, iz zony okisleniya mestorozhdeniya Kyzyl-Espe, Kora Vyvetrivaniya, Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R., Inst. Geol. Rudnykh Mestorozhd., Petrogr., Mineralog. i Geokhim., 5, 7 Berthier, 1826, Analyse de l'halloysite, Ann. Chim. Phys. (Paris), 32, 332 Berthier, 1827, Nontronite, nouveau mine´ral de´couvert dans le de´partement de la Dordogne, Ann. Chim. Phys. (Paris), 36, 22 1958, 815 Bottini, 1945, 199 Bradley, 1940, The structural scheme of attapulgite, Am. Mineralogist, 25, 405 Bradley, 1961, Mica clay minerals, 208 Brammall, 1937, Paragenesis of cookeite and hydromuscovite associated with gold at Ogofau, Carmarthenshire, Mineral. Mag., 24, 507, 10.1180/minmag.1937.024.157.01 Brauner, 1956, Struktur und Entstehung des Sepioliths, Tschermaks Mineral. Petrog. Mitt., 6, 120, 10.1007/BF01128033 Brewer, 1957, A study of the Ge-GeO2 system by an inductively heated DTA apparatus, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 2, 284, 10.1016/0022-3697(57)90072-0 Brindley, 1951, The crystal structure of some chamosite minerals, Mineral. Mag., 29, 502, 10.1180/minmag.1951.029.212.04 Brindley, 1955, Structural mineralogy of clays, Calif., Dept. Nat. Resources, Div. Mines, Bull., 169, 33 Brindley, 1961, Kaolin, serpentine and kindred minerals, 51 Brindley, 1961, Chlorite minerals, 242 Brindley, 1961, Quantitative analysis of clay mixtures, 489 Brindley, 1964, Kinetics and mechanisms of dehydration and recrystallization of serpentine. 1, 12, 35 Brindley, 1953, Structural aspects of the mineralogy of clays and related silicates, 15 Brindley, 1947, An X-ray study of some kaolinitic fireclays, Trans. Brit. Ceram. Soc., 46, 49 Brindley, 1948, X-ray studies of halloysite and metahalloysite, I, Mineral. Mag., 28, 393, 10.1180/minmag.1948.028.203.01 Brindley, 1951, The nomenclature of clay minerals, Am. Mineralogist, 36, 370 Brough, 1958, A chlorite convention for the appraisal of Scottish fireclays, Clay Minerals Bull., 3, 221, 10.1180/claymin.1958.003.19.04 Brown, 1962, Chlorite polytypism. 1. Regular and semi-random one-layer structures, Am. Mineralogist, 47, 819 Brown, 1963, Chlorite polytypism, 2. Crystal structure of a one-layer Cr-chlorite, Am. Mineralogist, 48, 42 Brown, 1953, The dioctahedral analogue of vermiculite, Clay Minerals Bull., 2, 64, 10.1180/claymin.1953.002.10.02 Brown, 1954, Degrading illite and potash fixation, Nature, 173, 644, 10.1038/173644b0 Brown, 1954, Soil morphology and mineralogy, 5, 145 Brown, 1955, Report of the Clay Minerals Group Sub-Committee on Nomenclature of Clay Minerals, Clay Minerals Bull., 2, 294, 10.1180/claymin.1955.002.13.12 1961, 544 Brown, 1965, Significance of recent structure determinations of layer silicates for clay studies, Clay Minerals Bull., 6, 73, 10.1180/claymin.1965.006.2.01 Brown, 1952, Hydrous micas, Mineral. Mag., 29, 929, 10.1180/minmag.1952.029.218.04 Brown, 1963, 1, 27 Brown, 1964, Laboratory techniques in the electron microscopy of clay minerals, 148 Brydon, 1961, Dioctahedral chlorite, Can. Mineralogist, 6, 595 Burst, 1958, Mineral heterogeneity in glauconite pellets, Am. Mineralogist, 43, 481 Cahoon, 1954, Saponite near Milford, Utah, Am. Mineralogist, 39, 222 Caille`re, 1960, Compte-rendu de la re´union du CIPEAa`Copenhague en 1960, Bull. Groupe Franc. Argiles, 12, 97 Caille`re, 1957, Propositions pour normaliser la nomenclature des mine´raux argileux, Bull. Groupe Franc. Argiles, 9, 67 Caille`re, 1957, The chlorite and serpentine minerals, 207 Caille`re, 1957, The sepiolite and palygorskite minerals, 231 Caille`re, 1959, Quelques remarques sur l'interpre´tation des analyses chimiques d'argiles, 84, 375 Caille`re, 1961, Sepiolite, 325 Caille`re, 1961, Palygorskite, 343 Caille`re, 1962, Vues d'ensemble sur le proble`me de la synthe`se des mine´raux phylliteuxa`basse tempe´rature, Colloq. Intern. Centre Natl. Rech. Sci. (Paris), 105, 31 Caille`re, 1963, 355 Caille`re, 1962, Pre´sence d'un nouveau type de chlorite dans les “bauxites” de Saint-Paul-de-Fenouillet (Pyre`ne´es-Orientales), Compt. Rend., 254, 1657 Chukhrov, 1955, 671 Chukhrov, 1962, Sur la gene`se des mine´raux argileux dans la zone d'alte´ration superficielle des giˆtes metallife`res, Colloq. Intern. Centre Natl. Rech. Sci. (Paris), 105, 159 Chukhrov, 1963, Ob opalizatsii glinistykh mineralov v zone okisleniya mestorozhdenii stepnoi chasti Kazakhstana, 5, 17 1960, 132 Chukhrov, 1961, Materialy k Klassifikatsii Glinistykh Mineralov, Inform. Byul. Kom. Isuch. Glin Otdel. Geol. Geogr. Nauk Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R., Moscow, 90 Cˇicˇel, 1959, Pri´stroj pre ry´chlu DTA s pouzˆiti´m ni´zkoodporovej pece, Silikaty, 3, 261 Cloos, 1961, Cine´tique de la destruction de la glauconite par l'acide chlorhydrique:e´tude preliminaire, 24, 35 Cole, 1957, Clay mineral mixtures and interstratified minerals, 248 Correns, 1954, U¨ber die mikroskopische Untersuchung der Minerale in Tone, Clay Minerals Bull., 2, 128, 10.1180/claymin.1954.002.12.02 Correns, 1961, The experimental chemical weathering of silicates, Clay Minerals Bull., 4, 249, 10.1180/claymin.1961.004.26.01 Cowley, 1961, Electron-diffraction patterns from montmorillonite, Acta Cryst., 14, 1071, 10.1107/S0365110X61003065 Damour, 1847, Notice et analyses sur un hydrosilicate d'alumine trouve´a`Montmorillon (Vienne), Ann. Chim. Phys. (Paris), 21, 376 Dana, 1894, 1134 Darab, 1961, A Cs+ ion adszorpcio´ja´nak vizsga´lata agyaga´svanyon, Agrokem. Talajtan, 10, 539 De Endredy, 1963, Estimation of free iron oxides in soils and clays by a photolytic method, Clay Minerals Bull., 5, 209, 10.1180/claymin.1963.005.29.07 Deer, 1962, 3, 270 De Kimpe, 1966, La couche tetrae´drique et la synthe`se des argiles De´ribe´re´, 1951, 224 Deshpande, 1964, Role of iron oxides in the bonding of soil particles, Nature, 201, 107, 10.1038/201107b0 Deuel, 1960, Interactions between inorganic and organic soil constituents, 1, 38 DeVore, 1959, The surface chemistry of feldspars as an influence on their decomposition products, 6, 26 Duff, 1962, Solubilization of minerals and related materials by 2-ketogluconic acid-producing bacteria, Soil Sci., 95, 105, 10.1097/00010694-196302000-00004 Dyakonov, 1962, O pryamoi rasshifrovke rentgenogramm smeshannosloistykh mineralov pri pomoshchi metodov preobrazovaniya Fure, Rentgenogr. Mineral'n. Syr'ya, 1, 97 Dyakonov, 1963, O vozmozhnosti kolichestvennogo rentgenograficheskogo opredeleniya kaolinita, gidroslyud i montmorillonitov, Rentgenogr. Mineral'n Syr'ya, 3, 85 Edelman, 1947, Relations entre les proprie´te´s et la structure de quelques mine´raux argileux, Verre Silicates Ind., 12, 3 Edelman, 1940, On the crystal structure of montmorillonite and halloysite, Z. Krist., A102, 417 Efendiev, 1951, 95 Elgabaly, 1962, The presence of attapulgite in some soils of the western desert of Egypt, Soil Sci., 93, 387, 10.1097/00010694-196206000-00004 Exley, 1964, Some factors bearing on the natural synthesis of clays in the granites of southwest England, Clay Minerals Bull., 5, 411, 10.1180/claymin.1964.005.32.01 Farmer, 1965, An infrared study of complexes of ethylamine with ethylammonium and copper ions in montmorillonite, J. Phys. Chem., 69, 683, 10.1021/j100886a515 Farmer, 1964, The infrared spectra of layer silicates, Spectrochim. Acta, 20, 1149, 10.1016/0371-1951(64)80165-X Fieldes, 1955, Clay mineralogy of New Zealand soils, 2. Allophane and related mineral colloids, New Zealand J. Sci. Technol., B37, 336 Fo¨ldva´ri-Vogl, 1961, Dielektrische Untersuchungen an Tonmineralien, Acta Univ. Carolinae Geol., Suppl., 1, 181 Fo¨ldva´ri-Vogl, 1957, Gera¨t zur thermischen Differential-Schnellanalyse, Geologie, 6, 542 Follett, 1965, Retention of amorphous colloidal “ferric hydroxide” by kaolinites, J. Soil. Sci., 16, 334, 10.1111/j.1365-2389.1965.tb01445.x Follett, 1965, Chemical dissolution techniques in the study of soil clays, 1, Clay Minerals Bull., 6, 23, 10.1180/claymin.1965.006.1.04 Follett, 1965, Chemical dissolution techniques in the study of soil clays, 2, Clay Minerals Bull., 6, 35, 10.1180/claymin.1965.006.1.05 Foster, 1960, Layer charge relations in the dioctahedral and trioctahedral micas, Am. Mineralogist, 45, 383 Frank-Kamenetskii, 1958, Rentgenograficheskii metod izucheniya glin, 713 1958, 309 Frank-Kamenetskii, 1960, A crystallochemical classification of simple and interstratified clay minerals, Clay Minerals Bull., 4, 161, 10.1180/claymin.1960.004.24.01 Frank-Kamenetskii, 1964, 239 Frank-Kamenetskii, 1963, Dioktaedricheskii smeshannosloinyi glinistyi mineral—tosudit, Zap. Vses. Mineralog. Obshchestva, 92, 560 Franzen, 1955, Struktur des Montmorillonits, Naturwissenschaften, 42, 176, 10.1007/BF00595300 Fripiat, 1964, Surface properties of alumino-silicates, 12, 327 Fu¨chtbauer, 1959, Zur Nomenklatur der Sedimentgesteine, Erdo¨l Kohle, 12, 605 Garcia Vicente, 1951, Estructura Cristalina de los Minerales de la Arcilla, 107 Garcia Vicente, 1961, Mineralogia de las arcillas de algunos suelos volcanicos de Chile, Anales Edafol. Agrobiol. (Madrid), 20, 497 Gard, 1964, Electron microscopy and diffraction, 2, 243 1966 Gastuche, 1959, La gene`se des mine´raux argileux, Rev. Questions Sci., 20, 64 Gastuche, 1963, Study of intermediate stages in the kaolin→metakaolin transformation, Clay Minerals Bull., 5, 227, 10.1180/claymin.1963.005.29.09 Gerei, 1964, Mikromineralogicheskii sostav nekotorykh pochvennykh tipov Vengrii, Agrokem. Talajtan, 13, 257 Ginzburg, 1956, Produkty vyvetrivaniya nekotorykh khloritov USSR, Kora Vyvetrivaniya, Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R., Inst. Geol. Rudnykh Mestorozhd. Petrogr., Mineralog. i Geokhim., 2, 193 Ginzburg, 1951 Ginzburg, 1962, Sovremennoe i drevnee lateritnoe vyvetrivanie basaltov Brazilii i Russkoi platformy, Kora Vyvetrivaniya, Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R., Inst. Geol. Rudnykh Mestorozhd. Petrogr., Mineralog. i Geokhim., 4, 3 Goldschmidt, 1945, The geochemical background of minor-element distribution, Soil Sci., 60, 1, 10.1097/00010694-194507000-00001 Gorbunov, 1963, Vysokodispersnye Mineraly i Metody ikh Izucheniya, 302 Greene-Kelly, 1953, Irreversible dehydration in montmorillonite, 2, Clay Minerals Bull., 2, 52, 10.1180/claymin.1953.002.9.09 Grigorev, 1961, Chto takoe mineral?, Zap. Vses. Mineralog. Obshchestva, 90, 431 English translation in:M. H. Battey andS. I. Tomkeieff (Editors), Aspects of Theoretical Mineralogy in the U.S.S.R. Pergamon, London, pp.68–75. Grim, 1953, 384 Grim, 1962, 422 Grim, 1961, Montmorillonite: high-temperature reactions and classification, Am. Mineralogist, 46, 1329 Grim, 1937, The mica in argillaceous sediments, Am. Mineralogist, 22, 813 Grimshaw, 1962, The micaceous mineral of the Yorkshire fireclays, Clay Minerals Bull., 5, 110, 10.1180/claymin.1962.005.28.07 Gritsaenko, 1961, Elektronnaya Mikroskopiya Mineralov, 188 Gruner, 1934, Crystal structures of talc and pyrophyllite, Z. Krist., 88, 412 Hashimoto, 1960, Rapid dissolution of allophane and kaolinite-halloysite after dehydration, 7, 102 Hathaway, 1962, Nordstrandite from Guam, Nature, 196, 265, 10.1038/196265a0 Hathaway, 1965, Nordstrandite (Al2O3.3H2O) from Guam, Am. Mineralogist, 50, 1029 Hayashi, 1964, Aluminian chlorite from Kamikita Mine Japan, Clay Sci. (Tokyo), 2, 22 Heinrich, 1953, Studies in the Natural History of Micas, Univ. of Michigan Eng. Res. Inst. Proj. M978, Final Rept., 241 Heller, 1961, An X-ray method for the determination of small quantities of palygorskite in clay mineral mixtures, Acta Univ. Carolinae, Geol., Suppl., 1, 173 Heller, 1961, An approximate determination of the position of some cations in dehydroxylated montmorillonite, Clay Minerals Bull., 4, 213, 10.1180/claymin.1961.004.25.01 Heller, 1962, The dehydroxylation and rehydroxylation of triphormic dioctahedral clay minerals, Clay Minerals Bull., 5, 56, 10.1180/claymin.1962.005.28.02 Henderson, 1963, The release of metallic and silicate ions from minerals, rocks, and soils by fungal activity, J. Soil Sci., 14, 236, 10.1111/j.1365-2389.1963.tb00949.x Hendricks, 1929, Diffraction of X-ray radiation from crystalline aggregates, Z. Krist., 71, 269 Hendricks, 1942, Lattice structure of clay minerals and some properties of clays, J. Geol., 50, 276, 10.1086/625051 Hendricks, 1930, The results of X-ray and microscopical examinations of soil colloids, Soil Sci., 29, 457, 10.1097/00010694-193006000-00003 Hendricks, 1938, Structures of kaolin and talc-pyrophylllite hydrates and their bearing on water sorption of the clays, Am. Mineralogist, 23, 863 Hendricks, 1939, Polymorphism of the micas with optical measurements, Am. Mineralogist, 24, 729 Hendricks, 1940, Hydration mechanism of the clay mineral montmorillonite saturated with various cations, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 62, 1457, 10.1021/ja01863a037 He´nin, 1963, Synthe`se des mine´rauxa`basse tempe´rature: essai de mise au point, Clay Minerals Bull., 5, 265, 10.1180/claymin.1963.005.30.02 1962, 105, 224 Hofmann, 1950, Verlust der Austauschfa¨higkeit von Lithiumionen an Bentonit durch Erhitzung, Z. Anorg. Allgem. Chem., 262, 95, 10.1002/zaac.19502620114 Hofmann, 1961, Die Abmessungen der Kristalle der Tonminerale, Z. Anorg. Allgem. Chem., 308, 143, 10.1002/zaac.19613080116 Hoffman, 1933, Kristallstruktur und Quellung von Montmorillonit, Z. Krist., 86, 340 Hofmann, 1934, Ro¨ntgenographische und kolloidchemische Untersuchungenu¨ber Ton, Angew. Chem., 47, 539, 10.1002/ange.19340473002 Holdridge, 1957, The kaolin minerals (kandites), 98 Hosking, 1957, The clay minerals, 1, 1 Hower, 1961, Some factors concerning the nature and origin of glauconite, Am. Mineralogist, 46, 313 Iiyama, 1963, Controlled synthesis of heteropolytypic (mixed-layer) clay minerals, 10, 4 International Geological Congresses, 1952 Jackson, 1956, 991 Jackson, 1959, Frequency distribution of clay minerals in major Great Soil Groups as related to the factors of soil formation, 6, 133 Jackson, 1962, Significance of kaolinite intersalation in clay mineral analysis, 9, 424 Jackson, 1963, Aluminum bonding in soils: a unifying principle in soil science, 27, 1 Jackson, 1963, Interlayering of expansible layer silicates in soils by chemical weathering, 11, 29 Jackson, 1964, Chemical analysis in the quantitative mineralogical examination of clays, 313 Jackson, 1952, Weathering sequence of clay-size minerals in soils and sediments, 2. Chemical weathering of layer silicates, 16, 3 Jasmund, 1955, Die silikatischen Tonminerale, Monograph. Angew. Chem. Chem. Ing. Tech., 60, 192 Juha´sz, 1961, Mit spezifischer Oberfla¨chenmessung kombinierte quantitative Tonanalyse, Acta Univ. Carolinae, Geol., Suppl., 1, 423 Kanno, 1961, Genesis and classification of main genetic soil types in Japan, 1. Introduction and humic allophane soils, Bull. Kyushu Agr. Exp. Sta., 7, 1, 185 1964, 1, 296 1964, 2, 222 1964, 3, 167 Keller, 1963, Hydrothermal kaolinization (endellitization) of volcanic glassy rock, 10, 333 Keller, 1963, Diagenesis in clay minerals—a review, 11, 136 Keller, 1964, The origin of high-alumina clay minerals—a review, 12, 129 Keller, 1964, Processes of origin and alteration of clay minerals, 3 Kelley, 1931, The nature of the base-exchange material of bentonites, soils and zeolites as revealed by chemical and X-ray analyses, Soil Sci., 31, 25, 10.1097/00010694-193101000-00003 Kerr, 1949, Glossary of Clay Mineral Names—American Petroleum Institute, Project 49: Clay Mineral Standards, 66 Kerr, 1951, 704 Kirwan, 1794, 1, 510 Kodama, 1962, Interpretation of X-ray powder patterns of some hydromuscovites from Japan, with reference to their alkali contents, Clay Sci. (Tokyo), 1, 89 Konta, 1957, 319 Konta, 1959, Studium ji´lovy´ch minera´lu˚za konstantnich pracovni´ch podmi´nek v laboratorˇi, Silikaty, 3, 239 1961, 492 Konta, 1962, Identification of clay minerals and the study of argillaceous rocks by the imbibometric method, 10, 42 Konta, 1963, Quantitative mineralogical analysis of “blue clay” from Vonsˇov, Bohemia: a comparative study by nine laboratories, Clay Minerals Bull., 5, 255, 10.1180/claymin.1963.005.30.01 Konta, 1964, Petrograficka´klassifikace a terminologie residua´lni´ch hornin, Acta Univ. Carolinae, Geol., 1964, 61 Konta, 1964, Mozˆnost kvantitativni´mineralogicko-petrograficke´analysy ji´lovity´ch hornin na prˇi´kladu modre´ho ji´lu z Vonsˇova, Acta Univ. Carolinae, Geol., 1964, 117 Konta, 1963, Imbibometric investigation of homoionic clays using polar liquids, 1. Material with predominating kaolinite and montmorillonite, 1, 261 Kostov, 1964, The classification of oxides, 221 Kruyt, 1952, 1, 389 Kukovskii, 1964, Nekotorye kristallokhimicheskie aspekty vyvetrivaniya mineralov kristallicheskikh porod Ukrainskogo shchita, 220 Kukovskii, 1963, Kristallokhimiya kationzameshchennykh glinnistykh mineralov montmorillonit i palygorskit, Rentgenogr. Mineral'n. Syr'ya, 3, 124 Kulbicki, 1959, A new method for thermal dehydration studies of clay minerals, Mineral. Mag., 32, 53, 10.1180/minmag.1959.032.244.07 Kunze, 1964, Occurrence of a tabular halloysite in a Texas soil, 12, 523 Lazarenko, 1959, Nomenclature and classification of the clay minerals, Clay Minerals Bull., 4, 67, 10.1180/claymin.1959.004.21.06 Lazarenko, 1963, 559 Ledoux, 1964, Infrared study of the OH groups in expanded kaolinite, Science, 143, 244, 10.1126/science.143.3603.244 Ledoux, 1964, Infrared study of selective deuteration of kaolinite and halloysite at room temperature, Science, 145, 47, 10.1126/science.145.3627.47 Le´onard, 1964, Structure and properties of amorphous silicoaluminas, 1. Structure from X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy, J. Phys. Chem., 68, 2608, 10.1021/j100791a037 Levinson, 1953, Studies in the mica group; relationship between polymorphism and composition in the muscovite-lepidolite series, Am. Mineralogist, 38, 88 Levinson, 1955, Studies in the mica group: polymorphism among illites and hydrous micas, Am. Mineralogist, 40, 41 Lippmann, 1954, U¨ber einen Keuperton von Zaisersweiher bei Maulbronn, Heidelberger Beitr. Mineral. Petrog., 4, 130, 10.1007/BF01111150 Low, 1961, Physical chemistry of clay-water interaction, Advan. Agron., 13, 269, 10.1016/S0065-2113(08)60962-1 Lyon, 1964, Infrared analysis of soil minerals, 170 MacEwan, 1947, The nomenclature of the halloysite minerals, Mineral. Mag., 28, 36, 10.1180/minmag.1947.028.196.08 MacEwan, 1949, Some notes on the recording and interpretation of X-ray diagrams of soil clay, J. Soil Sci., 1, 90, 10.1111/j.1365-2389.1950.tb00721.x MacEwan, 1961, Montmorillonite minerals, 143 MacEwan, 1961, Interstratified clay minerals, 393 MacEwan, 1962, 9, 431 Mackay, 1962, β-Ferric oxyhydroxide-akaganeite, Mineral. Mag., 33, 270, 10.1180/minmag.1962.033.259.02 Mackenzie, 1956, The thermal investigation of soil clays, Agrochimica, 1, 1 Mackenzie, 1956, Differential thermal analysis and its use in soil clay mineralogy, Geol. Foren. Stockholm Forh., 78, 508, 10.1080/11035895609453400 1957, 456 Mackenzie, 1957, Saponite from Allt Ribhein, Fiskavaig Bay, Skye, Mineral. Mag., 31, 672, 10.1180/minmag.1957.31.239.05 Mackenzie, 1957, The illite in some Old Red Sandstone soils and sediments, Mineral. Mag., 31, 681, 10.1180/minmag.1957.31.239.06 Mackenzie, 1957, The montmorillonite differential thermal curve, 1. General variability in the dehydroxylation region, Bull. Groupe Franc. Argiles, 9, 7, 10.3406/argil.1957.935 Mackenzie, 1958, Remarks in discussion on J. Brough and R.H.S. Robertson, A chlorite convention for the appraisal of Scottish fireclays, Clay Minerals Bull., 3, 230 Mackenzie, 1959, The classification and nomenclature of clay minerals, Clay Minerals Bull., 4, 52, 10.1180/claymin.1959.004.21.05 Mackenzie, 1960, The evaluation of clay mineral composition with particular reference to smectites, Silicates Ind., 25, 12 Mackenzie, 1960, The evaluation of clay mineral composition with particular reference to smectites, Silicates Ind., 25, 71 Mackenzie, 1961, The quantitative determination of minerals in clays, Acta Univ. Carolinae, Geol., Suppl., 1, 11 Mackenzie, 1963, De natura lutorum, 11, 11 Mackenzie, 1963, Retention of exchangeable ions by montmorillonite, 1, 183 Mackenzie, 1964, The thermal investigation of soil clays, 200 Mackenzie, 1964, Hydratationseigenschaften von Montmorillonit, Ber. Deut. Keram. Ges., 41, 696 Mackenzie, 1965, 2, 439 Mackenzie, 1965, Glinistye mineraly Shotlandskikh pochv, Pochvovedenie, 1965, 75 Mackenzie, 1965, The origin of clay minerals in soils Mackenzie, 1965, Nomenclature Sub-Committee of CIPEA, Clay Minerals, 6, 123, 10.1180/claymin.1965.006.2.07 Mackenzie, 1958, The montmorillonite differential thermal curve, 2. Effect of exchangeable cations on the dehydroxylation of normal montmorillonite, Clay Minerals Bull., 3, 276, 10.1180/claymin.1958.003.20.02 Mackenzie, 1961, The quantitative determination of halloysite, goethite and gibbsite, Acta Univ. Carolinae, Geol., Suppl., 1, 139 Mackenzie, 1956, Einfluss der Feinstmahlung auf die Kristallstruktur von Glimmern, Ber. Deut. Keram. Ges., 33, 222 Mackenzie, 1952, Die Teilchenform und Mineralogie einiger Nontronite, Ber. Deut. Keram. Ges., 29, 221 Maegdefrau, 1937, Die Kristallstruktur des Montmorillonits, Z. Krist., 98, 299 Marshall, 1935, Layer lattices and base-exchange clays, Z. 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