Clay mineralogical investigations related to nuclear waste disposal

Clay Minerals - Tập 33 Số 1 - Trang 109-129 - 1998
Fritz T. Madsen1
1Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Laboratory for Clay Mineralogy, Zurich, Switzerland

Tóm tắt


Mineralogical and geotechnical investigations on the possible use of compacted bentonite as a buffer material in nuclear waste repositories are reported. The swelling capacity is highly dependent on the density of the compacted bentonite. Swelling pressures >30 MPa were measured for dry densities of ~2.0 g/cm3. Added iron or magnetite powder up to 20 wt% had no influence on the swelling capacity. Compacted mixtures of 20 wt% ground set cement and bentonite showed higher swelling pressures but lower swelling strain capability than compacted bentonite alone. Steam lowered the swelling pressure of compacted bentonite to ~60% of the original value. The influence was, however, reversible by ultrasonic treatment. The thermal conductivity of saturated compacted bentonite at a density of 2.0-2.1 g/cm3is ~1.35-1.45 W/m°K The volumetric heat capacity ranges from 3.1 x 106to 3.4 x 106j/m3°C The saturated hydraulic conductivity of the compacted bentonite is <10-12m/s. The apparent diffusion coefficients for various ions in compacted bentonite for water contents in the range of 20 to 25 wt% are: K+: 5 x 10-11, Cs+: 6 x 10-12, Sr2+: 3 x 10-11, UO22+: <10-13, Th4+: <10-13, Fe2+: 4 x 10-11, Fe3+: 4 x 10-11, Cl-: 1 x 10-10and I-: 1 x 10-10m2/s. The 'breakthrough time' for an apparent diffusion coefficient of 10-11m2/s in compacted bentonite 1 m thick was estimated to be ~3000 years. The mineralogical longevity was investigated on natural K-bentonites from Kinnekulle, Sweden, and Montana, USA. Although these materials have undergone considerable changes during diagenesis and contain various amounts of mixed-layer illite-smectite, they still have a substantial swelling and adsorption capacity. The investigations demonstrate that although the properties of bentonite are negatively influenced to a certain extent by heat, hot steam, iron and cement, compacted bentonite is still the best choice to act as a buffer material in a nuclear waste repository.

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Tài liệu tham khảo


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