Classification of Soil Groups Using Weights-of-Evidence-Method and RBFLN-Neural Nets
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Weights-of-Evidence (WofE) and Radial Basis Function Link Net (RBFLN) were applied to soil group mapping in eastern Finland. The data consisted of low altitude airborne geophysical measurements, Landsat 5 TM-satellite image, and digital elevation model (DEM) and slope information derived from it. Probability maps were constructed for each soil group one by one and combined into a prediction map of soil groups using maximum posterior probability (WofE) or pattern membership (RBFLN). Self-Organizing Map (SOM) and Sammon’s Mapping were applied for selecting the data sets for modeling and visualizing the data. The soil types belonging to each soil group used in the Arc-SDM modeling were defined by clusters revealed by the SOM and Sammon’s Mapping algorithms. The soil types with similar characters were collected in the same cluster. Numerical evaluation of the models’ performance was performed using the confusion matrix. The Ratio of Correct Classifications (RCC) for the best WofE model was 0.64 in the training area and 0.61 in the testing area. The RCC for the best RBFLN model was 0.62. Modeling of soil groups using Arc-SDM is time consuming because models need to be constructed for each soil group before combining them into a final prediction map. In this study a simple method was tested for combining the maps. In the future, more attention should be paid to combining the posterior probability models and also to selecting data sets used for modeling.
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