Cingulum bundle white matter in MAG-knockout mice
Tóm tắt
Myelin associated glycoprotein (MAG) is an oligodendrocyte-derived gene whose expression is decreased in schizophrenia. Several measures of white matter integrity appear abnormal in schizophrenia, specifically in the anterior cingulate gyrus. We studied mice lacking MAG as a potential model of dysmyelination. Using the stereological “Space Balls” method, we estimated myelinated fiber length density in the cingulum bundle in adult knockout and control mice. We performed diffusion anisotropy imaging in these animals, measuring fractional anisotropy (FA) in a region of the cingulum bundle. We found no differences in cingulum myelinated fiber length density between the two groups, although we did note an age-related decrease regardless of genotype. No differences were noted in FA either, but an age-related decrease was seen as well. These findings imply that MAG dysfunction alone is not sufficient to cause the white matter alterations seen in schizophrenia.
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