Chilli leaf curl virus disease: a serious threat for chilli cultivation

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Tập 125 - Trang 239-249 - 2018
Hament Thakur1, Salesh Kumar Jindal1, Abhishek Sharma1, Major Singh Dhaliwal1
1Department of Vegetable Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India

Tóm tắt

Chilli pepper or hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.,) is an important spice and vegetable crop of family Solanaceae. Chilli is susceptible to various pathogens involving viruses, which cause heavy production losses. So far 65 viruses have been reported throughout the world including begomoviruses causing chilli leaf curl virus disease (ChiLCVD). ChiLCVD is the most destructive virus disease in terms of incidence and yield loss. The disease can be identified by typical upward leaf curling, crinkling, puckering and reduction in leaf area along with stunting of whole plants. It is transmitted by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci in persistent manner. Conventional plant breeding techniques remain the major antiviral strategy so far for the development of resistant chilli varieties. Recently, the concern about viral DNA methylation, activation of gene silencing machinery and ubiquitination-mediated defence against begomoviruses has been reported. Although a number of insecticides had been effectively used to manage this pest in the past, it is able to develop resistance very rapidly. This review provides an overview of ChiLCVD, virus vector relationship, its genome organization, replication, resistant sources, present status of its spread in different regions of India and strategies employed for controlling it.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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