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Ngay khi nở, ấu trùng cá trích,
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Tài liệu tham khảo
Steven, 1959, Studies on the shoaling behaviour of fish, I. Responses of two species to changes of illumination and to olfactory stimuli. Journal of Experimental Biology, 36, 261
Seigel, 1956, Non-parametric Statistics for the Behavioural Sciences, 312
Mcbride, 1962, Olfactory perception in juvenile salmon. I. Observations on response of juvenile salmon to extracts of food, 27, 1371
Jakowska, 1963, Mucous secretions, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 106, 157
Hashimoto, 1968, Attractants for eels in the extracts of short-necked clams, Survey of constituents eliciting feeding behaviour by the omission test. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries, 34, 78
Bardach, 1967, Science, 1276
Langley, 1970, Practical Statistics, 399
Rosenthal, 1970, In Marine FoodChains (ed. J. H. Steele), 344
Døving, 1974, Single unit discrimination of fish odours released by char (Salmo alpinus L.) populations. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 47, 1051
Keenleyside M. H. A. 1955. Some aspects of the schooling behaviourof fish. Behaviour, 183–248.
Bainbridge, 1971, The feeding ofherring larvae in the Clyde, Rapports et proces verbaux des reunions. Conseil permanent international pour I'exploration dela mer, 160, 104
Göz, 1941, Uber den Art-und Individualgeruch bei Fishen, Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende Physiologie, 29, 1