Chemical Stimuli as a factor in feeding and intraspecific behaviour of Herring Larvae

C. H. Dempsey1
1Dunstaffnage Marine Research Laboratory, Oban, Scotland

Tóm tắt

On hatching, larvae of herring, Clupea harengus L., showed increased activity to washings and extracts of the nauplii of Balanus balanoides and to glycine and proline whichare major constituents of the free amino acid pool of Balanus. Older larvae, which were fed on the nauplii of Anemia salina, showed a response to extracts, but not to washings, of this prey; they also responded to six amino acids. The active constituents of prey extracts were found to be dialysable. Surgical section showed the olfactory system was responsible for behavioural responses in herring larvae of 21 mm (total length) to extracts of Anemiasalina. At all stages of larval life, herring showed increased activity to washings of other herring larvae. Juvenile herring showed a preference for a part of a tank containing water in which other juvenile herring had been held.

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Tài liệu tham khảo


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