Cellulose, lignin and nitrogen concentrations as rate regulating factors in late stages of forest litter decomposition

Pedobiologia - Tập 30 Số 2 - Trang 101-112 - 1987
Charles McClaugherty1,2, B. Berg1,2
1Addresses of the authors, Dr. c. MCCLAUGHERTY, Department of Biology, Clarkson University, Potsdam, New York 13676, and Dr. B. BERG [Section of Forest Ecology, Department of Ecology and Environmental Research, Swedish University oí Agricuitural Sciences] Institutionen för Eko- logi och Miljövård, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Uppsala, S - 75007, Sverige [Sweden].
2Clarkson University, Department of Biology, Potsdam, USA, and Swedish Unversity of Agricultural Sciences, Section of Forest Ecology, Department of Ecology and Environmental Research, Uppsala, Sweden

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