Cassava root husks powder as green adsorbent for the removal of Cu(II) from natural river water

Applied Surface Science - Tập 288 - Trang 356-362 - 2014
Alexandre de Oliveira Jorgetto1, R.I.V. Silva1, Margarida Júri Saeki1, Rodrigo Canossa Barbosa1, Marco Antônio Utrera Martines2, Sônia Maria Alves Jörge1, A.C.P. Silva1, José Fabián Schneider3, Gustavo Rocha de Castro1
1IB-UNESP, Dept. Química e Bioquímica, C.P. 510, 18618-000 Botucatu, SP, Brazil
2UFMS – Dept. Química, 79074-460 Campo Grande, MS, Brazil
3USP – Instituto de Física de São Carlos, 13566-590 São Carlos, SP, Brazil

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