Cardiac FKBP12.6 overexpression protects against triggered ventricular tachycardia in pressure overloaded mouse hearts

Archiv für Kreislaufforschung - Tập 107 Số 2 - 2012
Laurent Vinet1, Mylène Pezet1, Virginie Bito2, François Briec3, Liesbeth Biesmans2, Patricia Rouet‐Benzineb1, Barnabas Gellen1, Miresta Prévilon1, Stefano Chimenti4, Jean‐Paul Vilaine4, Flavien Charpentier3, Karin R. Sipido2, Jean-Jacques Mercadier5
1Université Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité and Inserm UMR_S 698, 46, rue Henri Huchard, 75877, Paris Cedex 18, France
2Department of Cardiovascular Diseases, Laboratory of Experimental Cardiology, University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
3Institut du Thorax, Université de Nantes and Inserm UMR_S 915, Nantes, France
4Institut de Recherches Servier, Suresnes, France
5CEFI, Institut Claude Bernard-IFR2, Paris, France

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