Can local treatment prolong the sensitivity of metastatic prostate cancer to androgen deprivation or even prevent castration resistance?

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 39 Số 9 - Trang 3231-3237 - 2021
Christina Niklas1, Matthias Saar1, Alessandro Nini1, Johannes Linxweiler1, Stefan Siemer1, Kerstin Junker1, Michael Stöeckle1
1Department of Urology and Pediatric Urology, Saarland University, Homburg/Saar, Germany

Tóm tắt

Abstract Purpose A number of observational clinical studies suggest that prior primary tumor treatment favorably influences the course of metastatic prostate cancer (PCa), but its mechanisms of action are still speculative. Here, we describe the long-lasting sensitivity to various forms of androgen deprivation in patients after radical prostatectomy (RP) for locally advanced PCa as one potential mechanism. Methods A consecutive series of 115 radical prostatectomies after inductive therapy for T4 prostate cancer was re-analyzed, and long-term survival, as well as recurrence patterns and responses to different forms of hormonal manipulation, were assessed. Results The estimated biochemical response-free, PCa-specific, and overall survival rates after 200 months were 20%, 65%, and 47% with a median overall survival of 156 months. The majority of patients, although not cured of locally advanced PCa (84/115), showed long-term survival after RP. PCa-specific and overall survival rates of these 84 patients with biochemical recurrence were 61% and 44% at 150 months. Long-term sensitivity to ADT was found to be the main reason for the favorable tumor-specific survival in spite of biochemical recurrence. Conclusions Sensitivity to primary or secondary hormonal manipulation was the main reason for the long-term survival of patients who had not been cured by surgery only. The results suggest that treatment of the primary tumor-bearing prostate delays castration-resistant PCa and enhances the effect of hormonal therapies in a previously unknown manner. The underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms need to be explored in more detailed analyses, which could profoundly impact treatment concepts of locally advanced and metastatic PCa.

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