CFD Evaluation of Regular and Irregular Breaking Waves on Elevated Coastal Buildings

Mehrshad Amini1, Ali M. Memari2
1Department Ocean/Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, USA
2Department of Architectural Engineering and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Penn State University, State College, USA

Tóm tắt

This paper aims to evaluate the impact of both regular and irregular breaking waves on elevated houses with various freeboard levels. Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis was utilized, and numerical outputs were validated based on available experimental tests. The validated CFD results in terms of vertical impact forces were compared with existing empirical formulas to better understand the applicability and accuracy of current methods. Turbulence sensitivity analysis shows that buoyancy-modified $$k-\omega$$ shear stress transport ( $$\mathrm{SST})$$ model can accurately predict breaking wave characteristics in terms of the water surface elevation and surface pressures. The CFD model can predict front and bottom positive pressures for all freeboard levels as well as high bottom negative pressures and subsequent negative vertical forces for the elevated house model with zero freeboard. Regarding regular breaking waves, for the house with zero freeboard, the maximum discrepancies between the experimental and numerical results for the maximum positive and negative pressures are about 8% and 14%, respectively. Regarding irregular breaking waves, horizontal and vertical forces agree well with experimental results, in which the minimum and maximum discrepancies are − 5% and + 18% associated with forces at 1/3 significant level ( $${F}_{1/3}$$ ) and the mean level ( $${F}_{\mathrm{mean}}$$ ), respectively. However, existing empirical formulas cannot accurately predict the vertical impact forces acting on elevated buildings, which highlights the need for the development of new empirical formulas to account for uncertainty in the wave field and structural characteristics. The results of this study can not only help predict accurate horizontal and particularly vertical breaking wave loads, but the outcomes also assist in developing accurate theoretical fragility curves for elevated coastal buildings.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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