CEO demographic characteristics and firm performance: an empirical study in the scientific research and technology development industry

Melissa Jardine, Duong Thi Thanh Thuy

[ACS] Trích dẫn "CEO demographic characteristics and firm performance: an empirical study in the scientific research and technology development industry" theo chuẩn trích dẫn ACS:

(1) CEO Demographic Characteristics and Firm Performance:  An Empirical Study in the Scientific Research and Technology Development Industry.

[APA7] Trích dẫn "CEO demographic characteristics and firm performance: an empirical study in the scientific research and technology development industry" theo chuẩn trích dẫn APA7:

(n.d.). CEO demographic characteristics and firm performance:  an empirical study in the scientific research and technology development industry.

[APA6] Trích dẫn "CEO demographic characteristics and firm performance: an empirical study in the scientific research and technology development industry" theo chuẩn trích dẫn APA6:

(n.d.). CEO demographic characteristics and firm performance:  an empirical study in the scientific research and technology development industry.

[APA5] Trích dẫn "CEO demographic characteristics and firm performance: an empirical study in the scientific research and technology development industry" theo chuẩn trích dẫn APA5:

(n.d.). CEO demographic characteristics and firm performance:  an empirical study in the scientific research and technology development industry.

[ABNT] Trích dẫn "CEO demographic characteristics and firm performance: an empirical study in the scientific research and technology development industry" theo chuẩn trích dẫn ABNT:

CEO demographic characteristics and firm performance:  an empirical study in the scientific research and technology development industry. [s.d.].

[ACM] Trích dẫn "CEO demographic characteristics and firm performance: an empirical study in the scientific research and technology development industry" theo chuẩn trích dẫn ACM:

[1]CEO demographic characteristics and firm performance:  an empirical study in the scientific research and technology development industry. DOI:

[BibTeX] Trích dẫn "CEO demographic characteristics and firm performance: an empirical study in the scientific research and technology development industry" theo chuẩn trích dẫn BibTeX:

(n.d.). CEO demographic characteristics and firm performance:  an empirical study in the scientific research and technology development industry.

[Chicago] Trích dẫn "CEO demographic characteristics and firm performance: an empirical study in the scientific research and technology development industry" theo chuẩn trích dẫn Chicago:

(n.d.). CEO demographic characteristics and firm performance:  an empirical study in the scientific research and technology development industry.

[CSE] Trích dẫn "CEO demographic characteristics and firm performance: an empirical study in the scientific research and technology development industry" theo chuẩn trích dẫn CSE:

1. CEO demographic characteristics and firm performance:  an empirical study in the scientific research and technology development industry. doi:10.38203/jiem.021.1.0021

[Havard] Trích dẫn "CEO demographic characteristics and firm performance: an empirical study in the scientific research and technology development industry" theo chuẩn trích dẫn Havard:

(n.d.). CEO demographic characteristics and firm performance:  an empirical study in the scientific research and technology development industry.

[IEEE] Trích dẫn "CEO demographic characteristics and firm performance: an empirical study in the scientific research and technology development industry" theo chuẩn trích dẫn IEEE:

[1]“CEO demographic characteristics and firm performance:  an empirical study in the scientific research and technology development industry”, doi: 10.38203/jiem.021.1.0021.

[MLA] Trích dẫn "CEO demographic characteristics and firm performance: an empirical study in the scientific research and technology development industry" theo chuẩn trích dẫn MLA:

CEO Demographic Characteristics and Firm Performance:  An Empirical Study in the Scientific Research and Technology Development Industry. doi:10.38203/jiem.021.1.0021.

[MLA7] Trích dẫn "CEO demographic characteristics and firm performance: an empirical study in the scientific research and technology development industry" theo chuẩn trích dẫn MLA7:

“CEO Demographic Characteristics and Firm Performance:  An Empirical Study in the Scientific Research and Technology Development Industry.” n. pag. Web.

[Turabian] Trích dẫn "CEO demographic characteristics and firm performance: an empirical study in the scientific research and technology development industry" theo chuẩn trích dẫn Turabian:

(n.d.). CEO demographic characteristics and firm performance:  an empirical study in the scientific research and technology development industry.

[Vancouver] Trích dẫn "CEO demographic characteristics and firm performance: an empirical study in the scientific research and technology development industry" theo chuẩn trích dẫn Vancouver:

(n.d.). CEO demographic characteristics and firm performance:  an empirical study in the scientific research and technology development industry.