Breast self-examination in women 35 and older: A prospective study
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A correlational study was conducted to identify attitudinal variables specified by the Health Belief Model that were related to frequency and total performance (frequency and proficiency) of breast self-examination (BSE). The probability sample consisted of 362 women, ages 35 and over, who were initially contacted via random digit dialing. Data were collected during in-home interviews by trained graduate assistants and by telephone interview 1 year later. Results supported the ability of past performance, perceived barriers, and knowledge to predict current total performance (combined frequency and proficiency). In addition, frequency for breast self-examination was predicted by past frequency, barriers, health motivation, control, being taught by a doctor, confidence, having BSE procedure checked, benefits, and susceptibility. Results lend support to use of attitudinal and experiential variables in predicting women's actual behaviors in relation to breast self-examination.
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