Breaking boundaries to creatively generate value: The role of resourcefulness in entrepreneurship

Journal of Business Venturing - Tập 36 - Trang 106141 - 2021
Trenton Alma Williams1, Eric Yanfei Zhao1, Scott Sonenshein2, Deniz Ucbasaran3, Gerard George4
1Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, 1309 E. 10th Street, Bloomington, IN 47405, United States of America
2Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University, 6100 Main St, MS 531, Houston, TX 77019, United States of America
3Warwick School of Business, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK
4McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University, 37th & O Street, Washington, DC 20057, United States of America

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