Bone Dysplasia Sclerosteosis Results from Loss of the SOST Gene Product, a Novel Cystine Knot–Containing Protein

The American Journal of Human Genetics - Tập 68 Số 3 - Trang 577-589 - 2001
Mary E. Brunkow1, Jessica C. Gardner2, Jeff Van Ness1, Bryan Paeper1, Brian R. Kovacevich1, Sean Proll1, John E. Skonier1, Lei Zhao1, Peter J. Sabo1, Ying‐Hui Fu1, Reid S. Alisch1, Lucille Gillett1, Trenton Colbert1, Paolo Tacconi3, David J. Galas1, Herman A. Hamersma4, Peter Beighton2, J T Mulligan1
1Celltech Inc., Bothell, WA;
2Department of Human Genetics, University of Cape Town Medical School, Observatory, South Africa
3Istituto di Neurologia, Universita di Cagliari, Italy; and
4Otolaryngologist, Florida Park, Roodepoort, South Africa

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