Boiling model for a fluidized bed of particles
Tóm tắt
A mechanism for boiling of a fluidized bed was examined in [1]. Due to hydrodynamic instability the solid particles acquire random motion, and as a result of collisions between particles part of the energy of random motion is converted to rotation of the particles. A rotating particle experiences a Magnus force which considerably increases the random motion and leads to spontaneous boiling of the layer. For this mechanism there is typically a minimum boiling time τγ, defined basically as the time to develop a hydrodynamic instability. It is shown in this study that besides the spontaneous mechanism there is an induced mechanism for boiling of the bed arising from the generation of random motion in one particle layer. Particles in that layer boil, transmitting a perturbation to the energy of the next layer, and leading to layer boiling in a manner analogous to the propagation of a detonation wave in solids.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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