Bluemob: a network formation algorithm for bus riders

Wireless Networks - Tập 23 - Trang 1413-1427 - 2016
Giovani Pieri1, Werner Kraus1, Jean-Marie Farines1
1Departament of Automation and Systems Engineering, UFSC/CTC/DAS, Florianópolis, Brazil

Tóm tắt

We propose Bluemob, a novel algorithm for building ad-hoc networks among mobile devices of passengers on urban buses using the Bluetooth interface. Based on estimates of node permanence onboard, a role-assignment mechanism establishes the nodes more suited to perform a given function in the network (masters, slaves or gateways). The mechanism is flexible and isolated from the algorithm core, allowing the adoption of Bluemob in other small and dynamic environments and applications with minimal changes. Simulation studies indicate improvements of up to 75 % in the times needed to rebuild the network after nodes have left in comparison to an algorithm without the role-assignment mechanism. Performance levels related to the quality of estimates are also evaluated to indicate the accuracy of estimation needed for proper application of the algorithm.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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