Biosensors and Bio-Bar Code Assays Based on Biofunctionalized Magnetic Microbeads

Sensors - Tập 7 Số 4 - Trang 589-614
Nicole Jaffrézic‐Renault1, C. Martelet2, Yann Chevolot3, Jean‐Pierre Cloarec3
1Sciences Analytiques
3INL - Chimie et Nanobiotechnologies

Tóm tắt

This review paper reports the applications of magnetic microbeads in biosensors and bio-bar code assays. Affinity biosensors are presented through different types of transducing systems: electrochemical, piezo electric or magnetic ones, applied to immunodetection and genodetection. Enzymatic biosensors are based on biofunctionalization through magnetic microbeads of a transducer, more often amperometric, potentiometric or conductimetric. The bio-bar code assays relie on a sandwich structure based on specific biological interaction of a magnetic microbead and a nanoparticle with a defined biological molecule. The magnetic particle allows the separation of the reacted target molecules from unreacted ones. The nanoparticles aim at the amplification and the detection of the target molecule. The bio-bar code assays allow the detection at very low concentration of biological molecules, similar to PCR sensitivity.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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