Biomechanics of the osteoporotic spine, pain, and principles of training
Tóm tắt
A fracture is a clinical manifestation of osteoporosis and is one of the main causes of functional limitations and chronic pain in patients with osteoporosis. Muscle and coordination training are recommended to the patients as general measures. We inquired whether sling training is better than traditional physiotherapy in relieving pain and improving abilities of daily living. Fifty patients with osteoporosis were divided into two groups. Group A performed conventional physiotherapy, while Group B performed sling training exercises. Data were collected before and after the intervention and after 3 months. The registered parameters were stamina, posture, and pain. Posture, torques, and the associated strength of spinal muscles were studied in a biomechanical model in order to estimate the forces acting on the spine. Furthermore, the factors that exerted a positive impact on the success of therapy were registered. Forty-four patients (88%) completed the study. Positive effects of the training were noted in both groups, but significantly better effects were observed in the group that performed sling training. A reduction of pain independent of the number of fractures, significantly reduced torques, and reduced muscle strength were registered. Specific training programs helped to increase muscle strength and straightening the back thereby reducing the force needed on a permanent basis and decreasing torque in the spine. Sling training was more effective in that than traditional physiotherapy.
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