Biochemical, Textural and Microbiological Quality of Squid Stored Under Conventional and Slurry Ice During Onboard Fishing
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences - Tập 88 - Trang 1647-1653 - 2017
Tóm tắt
Careful handling of fish and shellfish onboard at the vessel is of prime importance in order to maintain the freshness. Use of slurry ice for onboard fish storage allows rapid heat transfer as well as reduces damage to the product by conventional ice. In the present investigation, the effect of onboard chilling with conventional ice and slurry ice on the quality of squid was evaluated. Samples stored at different time intervals (7th and 11th day) were collected and analyzed for their biochemical, textural and microbiological quality characteristics. Use of slurry ice, immediately after catch of squid reduced the formation of nitrogenous substances as well as the rate of pH increase during storage. Total volatile base nitrogen, tri methyl amine nitrogen and thio-barbituric acid values were within the acceptable limit in both the samples. Texture analysis showed higher hardness, springiness, gumminess and chewiness values for squid samples stored under slurry ice than the samples stored under conventional ice. Further, squid samples stored under slurry ice exhibited higher values of salt content. Microbiological analysis showed significant difference (p < 0.05) in psychrophilic counts of squid stored under slurry ice than the conventional iced ones.
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