Biochar as an Exceptional Bioresource for Energy, Agronomy, Carbon Sequestration, Activated Carbon and Specialty Materials
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Biofuels and biomaterials are gaining increased attention because of their ecofriendly nature and renewable precursors. Biochar is a recalcitrant carbonaceous product obtained from pyrolysis of biomass and other biogenic wastes. Biochar has found many notable applications in diverse areas because of its versatile physicochemical properties. Some of the promising biochar applications discussed in this paper include char gasification and combustion for energy production, soil remediation, carbon sequestration, catalysis, as well as development of activated carbon and specialty materials with biomedical and industrial uses. The pyrolysis temperature and heating rates are the limiting factors that determine the biochar properties such as fixed carbon, volatile matter, mineral phases, surface area, porosity and pore size distribution, alkalinity, electrical conductivity, cation-exchange capacity, etc. A broad investigation of these properties determining biochar application is rare in literature. With this objective, this paper comprehensively reviews the evolution of biochar from several lignocellulosic biomasses influenced by pyrolysis temperature and heating rate. Lower pyrolysis temperatures produce biochar with higher yields, and greater levels of volatiles, electrical conductivity and cation-exchange capacity. Conversely, higher temperatures generate biochar with a greater extent of aromatic carbon, alkalinity and surface area with microporosity. Nevertheless, this coherent review summarizes the valorization potentials of biochar for various environmental, industrial and biomedical applications.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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