Benefits, Challenges, and Analytical Approaches to Scaling Up Renewables Through Regional Planning and Coordination of Power Systems in Africa

Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports - Tập 6 - Trang 5-12 - 2019
Daniel Russo1, Asami Miketa1
1IRENA, Bonn, Germany

Tóm tắt

In light of the urgent need and ambition of African communities to scale up the deployment of renewable energy, this article explores the benefits and challenges presented by regional coordination in Africa, and how recent planning studies are reflecting those aspects in their analysis of future power sector expansion on the continent. Regional approaches to renewable deployment in Africa can reduce overall system costs and improve operation by expanding access to higher quality renewable resources, while unlocking a greater diversity of renewable options. Regional approaches can also provide greater flexibility and stability to national power systems, as well as complementarity that allows countries to scale up development of single sources while still reducing risks related to climate variability and future change. Based on a long history of experience, the benefits of regional approaches to power sector development and operation are now well established. New methodologies using more granular geospatial and temporal data have emerged to make the analysis of these benefits more feasible and more detailed. Novel additions to planning studies are also presenting more nuanced insights into the implications that climate change, technological innovations, and socio-political influences could have on regional renewable energy deployment.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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