Automatic verification of Java programs with dynamic frames

Jan Smans1, Bart Jacobs1, Frank Piessens1, Wolfram Schulte2
1Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
2Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

Tóm tắt


Framing in the presence of data abstraction is a challenging and important problem in the verification of object-oriented programs Leavens et al. (Formal Aspects Comput (FACS) 19:159–189, 2007). The dynamic frames approach is a promising solution to this problem. However, the approach is formalized in the context of an idealized logical framework. In particular, it is not clear the solution is suitable for use within a program verifier for a Java-like language based on verification condition generation and automated, first-order theorem proving. In this paper, we demonstrate that the dynamic frames approach can be integrated into an automatic verifier based on verification condition generation and automated theorem proving. The approach has been proven sound and has been implemented in a verifier prototype. The prototype has been used to prove correctness of several programming patterns considered challenging in related work.

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